Alaska Salmon and Halibut #243

Alaska Salmon and Halibut #243

 This outfitter is offering a full 7 day stay with 5 days fishing, at his place in Pelican, Alaska for $2995.  Get some friends and take the whole boat! This is a full service fishing trip, fishing from a large and very well equipped charter boat. You will fish for halibut, king salmon, silver salmon, pink salmon and a variety of sea bass which are great fun on light tackle. Kings can run to over 50 pounds, and halibut to over 200 pounds. There is a slot limit on halibut requiring the release of fish between 45 and 68 inches,and a daily limit of one halibut and one king per person on board, (meaning for a husband and wife 2 halibut and 2 kings per day – which together can push over 200 pounds of fish!)  Since the best eating halibut are those in 40 or so pound range, the slot limit does not mean much eating wise. King fishing is improving daily and halibut is going good and will continue throughout the summer. Sea bass are abundant and great eating and fighting, and the scenery here is wonderful.  Couples will have their own rooms.

 This guy will fish you as late in the day as you want! No being cut short just when the fish turn on! And he makes a special effort to keep you entertained and happy throughout your stay.


Fly to Juneau, then take a seaplane to Pelican ($370 r/trip ea.) You will also eat well- full turkey dinner, beef steak, pork chops, fried chicken and nice lunches- you get the idea. Go most anytime from June into September.   He prepares your catch for shipping home too!  How about 50 pounds of salmon steaks and 50 pounds of halibut? That’s about $1200 worth of fish!! ONLY $2995!!

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