waiting for the left over list to come out are over. Every year it’s more and more evident that if you are wanting to hunt Wyoming non-resident big game, you need to be collecting preference points now (plan ahead). The points went on sale July 1, and will be available until October 31, on the Wyoming Game and Fish website wgfd.wyo.gov These points improve you drawing odds, and will make it possible to hunt in areas that you would never have the opportunity to hunt in. Preference points can also save you money in the long run, by making it possible to draw at the regular licenses rate rather than the special rate, this could save you as much as $500 on an elk licenses. Some outfitters in these hard to draw areas are starting to refund some or even all of your point expenses when you book with them. Youth points are a bargain only $10, buy them now for your children. This is an awesome way to insure your children or grandchildren will have some spectacular hunts in our great state.
- Nonresident Antelope $30.00
- Nonresident Deer $40.00
- Nonresident Elk $50.00
- Nonresident Youth Antelope $10.00
- Nonresident Youth Deer $10.00
- Nonresident Youth Elk $10.00
- Nonresident Bighorn Sheep $100.00
- Nonresident Moose $75.00